Modernization of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies

Projet Management


The project will be coordinated by a Project Coordinator with the active engagement of all partners.

The management structure comprises:

  • Project Coordinator;
  • Management Group (MG);
  • Evaluation Board (EB);
  • Work package (WP) Leading Team.

Project Coordinator
As a Project Coordinator, P1, plays a key role in the overall project management and any related financial and administrative issues, while ensuring the smooth flow of information within and outside the consortium. When managing the implementation of all tasks, the Project Coordinator will be supported by a Vice Coordinator and a Manager who are representatives of the Lead institution.

The MG will be headed by the Project Coordinator and will comprise of a Manager and partners' contact persons. Its primary role is to ensure the progress of the project, hence, it will meet frequently, either at face-to-face project meetings, at workshops or conferences, or virtually through e-mail/Skype if necessary. The day-to-day communication method will be via e-mail, Skype, and the project's cloud space.

The EB, which will develop an internal evaluation system, will assist with and ensure the quality implementation of the tasks in the work packages; it will prepare both the Interim and Final Evaluation Reports. The membership of the EB will include one representative of each partner country (PC)s, one representative of each EU partner and will be led by P18.

WP leading teams - each work package will be led by an EU partner, as well as one partner from each of the 5 PCs, which will communicate with the universities and Ministries of their countries.WP1 - Leader P18. PC leaders - P2, P5, P9, P12, P15. They will work in close cooperation for the creation of a sustainable academic network for sharing experience and exchange of good practices in the field of innovative educational technologies and didactic models.

WP2 - Leader P17. PC leaders - P3, P7, P9, P11, P16. Together they will have to manage the development of Concepts for adapting the education system to the digital generation of each PC.

WP3 - Leader P17. PC leaders - P4, P7, P10, P11, P16. Their task is to create centres of innovative educational technologies, active learning classrooms and virtual classrooms at each PC University.

WP4 - Leader P19. PC leaders - P3, P6, P8, P13, P14. In close cooperation they will have to develop University courses for trainers and lecturers for acquisition of digital skills and innovative teaching and learning methods at each PC. Open educational resources (OERs) will also be created.

WP5 - Leader P18. In WP5 it collaborates with WP5 PC leaders - P2, P5, P10, P12, P15 aiming to perform internal evaluation of project deliverables.

WP6 - Leader P1. Together in close cooperation with the EU partners and with WP6 PC P4, P6, P8, P13, P14 they will work for the dissemination and sustainability of the project. All participants will undertake dissemination activities.

WP7 - Leader P1. Works in close cooperation with the EU partners and with WP7 PC leaders P3, P7, P9, P11, P16.

P20 to P24 are the PCs' Ministries of Education. Play a key role in the development and implementation of the concepts and in the introduction of innovative educational technologies (IET) in the other universities of the region by disseminating project results.